Add quick, dynamic tab functionality to transition through panes of local content, even via dropdown menus.
STEP 1 - How to identify the version (CDROM or Unlocked
Trial) you have. Appies to versions 1.00 through 1.65 only.
Version 1.70+ is not available on CDROM - go directly to step
2b. To see if you need to upgrade, check the version and release
date on the About window--press the About button to see it.
Select the upgrade method depending on which type you have.
The About button CDROM version registration information
looks like this. If this is what you see, go to STEP 2a.
The About button Unlocked Trial version registration information looks like this. If this is what you see, go to STEP 2b.
STEP 2a - How to upgrade an ipPulse CDROM Version
If you own the purchased version of ipPulse on CDROM, please note
the CDKEY from the About window, then contact us for an unlock code. Please do this PRIOR to installing the
latest trial version. We are no longer supplying a separate CDROM version.
STEP 2b - How to upgrade an ipPulse Unlocked Trial Version
To upgrade an UNLOCKED trial version 1.40 or later, download and install the latest trial version OVER your old unlocked trial version 1.40+.
This means you should install the newest trial version to the same directory/folder as your current unlocked trial version. It will
automatically find the current registration information.
Click here to go to the trial version download web page.